Thursday, March 18, 2010

An Omelette

Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day and I would like to say that I will be writing all about how I corned my own beef, but I didn't. I went to a party and ate the corned beef there. It was delicious and lovely and I had a great time. But I was so distracted drinking Guinness and gabbing away like a good Irish lass that I didn't eat as much as food as one might like to eat at a St. Patrick's Day party. So when we got home DR made me a good old French omelette in the style of Julia Childs. This is the most unbelievably simple thing in the world, and I bet you've been doing it wrong all this time. Learning this has been like a religious conversion and I think it's best if Julia tells you herself how it's done.

If you don't have time to watch this, you are missing one of life's delights, but I will sum up.

Chop up some parsley first. Then crack two eggs in a bowl and beat them together, perhaps add a bit of water and salt and pepper. Heat an omelette pan on the stove til it is good and hot. Melt a tablespoon of butter, until the foam dies down, but don't let it turn brown. Pour your egg mixture into the pan, let it settle a couple of seconds then begin jerking the pan towards yourself until the omelette comes off the pan and folds onto itself, then flip it onto a plate and garnish with a little chopped parsley. This should take about 30 seconds total. Brilliant.

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